Special Education Alliance of Longmeadow

Working Together to Ensure Educational Excellence for Every Child

Our Mission

The Special Education Alliance of Longmeadow  (SEAL) is a Parent Advisory Council that offers information, support, and networking opportunities to parents.  SEAL is charged by Massachusetts’ state laws to collaborate with the school community and provide advice to the Longmeadow School District regarding the planning, development and evaluation of its special education programs and policies.

Upcoming Meetings/Events

SEAL Meetings 2023-2024

Meetings are every second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. via zoom. All scheduled meetings are subject to possible changes.

  1. May 8th Presentation on New IEP rollout, Presented by Director of Special Education, Nicole Paris-Kro. This meeting is in person and via zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84718691859?pwd=K3FWVllvU3YwSjl0RjU3RlQ2SHloZz09

There is no meeting schedule for June, but we can always be reached by our contact information. We will be back in September with exciting new workshops and speakers. Thank you to all our parents/caregivers for your participation this year. Enjoy you Summer break.

Please Note: SEAL all meetings are via Zoom

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